Samstag, 4. September 2010

Roawenwood Hunt until 10. September

         ·!¦[·  The Funky Glowin Mushrooms  ·]¦!·     
Hello!  From now through September 10th there is a special hunt going on here at the the Five Blades sim.

Scattered throughout there are 10 of these funky glowing clusters of mushrooms set for sale for 0L

Most items aren't for sale within the store... a few pieces of furniture, some accessories, different things for this go round.

So you have a week to wander and find the mushrooms numbered 1-10.
         Near the landing point next to the TP Guardian Tree there's a special lil sign with the mushrooms rezzed so you can get a look at what you're searching for! 
Have fun and happy hunting!

1 Choker /2 Anklet

necklace male