To not only raise money for the Relay For Life but also have a bit of fun hunting Treasure, we are having a Treasure Hunt for GorFest Merchants!
How can you participate? Its easy.
1- Visit GorFest & Merchant Fair 2010 for Relay for Life.
2- Look around for Tents with a treasure hunt sign in them.
3- Click the treasure hunt sign and follow the LM it gives you to the store. Search for the Gold Prize Coin that is hidden there and when you find it click it.
4- Get a folder that contains your prize!
5- Support RFL and buy some things at the store from their RFL Vendors.
6- Follow the SLURL in your chat history or use the LM in the folder the coin gives you to return to GorFest and find more merchants to visit!
Arachne Silks - Lace dance fan
Art of Gor - Blue butterfly table
*~Dream Things ~* - Summer camisk
Gor Girls - Dress
GTG & {PURITY} - Keepsake snuggle
*GutterPup* - Bikini
Junbug - Camisk
K*C~Design - Tunika
On a lark - Sittin' Wif Da Bear
Painfully Divine - Lantern & pillow
Ripped - Swabby outfit
Roawenwood - Chicken Accessory pack
~Sa-eela~ - Candle set
Soul Effects - Cathedral candles
Trashy Designs - Undies
Whatz - Dress
Ancient Inspirations - Pillows & furniture