Donnerstag, 14. April 2011

NEWS from ## CI ## Creative Insanity

The BEE RIDER AO  includes 22 animatons sorted as follows:

- 7 stands
- 1 walk
- 1 run
- 1 Fly
- 1 Fly Up
- 1 Fly Down
- 1 Hover
- 1 Jump
- 1 Pre-jumping
- 1 Land
- 1 Fall
- 1 Sit
- 1 Ground Sit
- 1 Crouch
- 1 Turn Right
- 1 Turn Left

- 1 bee to ride (attaches to left hand)
- 1 roamer bee (attaches to left pec and roams around)
- 1 bee to nom (attaches to mouth and doesnt complain)
- 1 pet bee (attaches to left shoulder but is unscripted and you can really attach it wherever you like)

The AO is meant to be used along with the rideable bee provided. The bee will reposition itself based on anim  played, so both rotation and translation are locked down by the script. To adjust try stretching it.

The FAE AO includes 28 animatons sorted as follows:

25 in the AO hud:

- 10 stands
- 1 walk
- 1 run
- 1 Fly
- 1 Fly Up
- 1 Fly Down
- 1 Hover
- 1 Jump
- 1 Pre-jumping
- 1 Land
- 1 Fall
- 1 Sit
- 1 Ground Sit
- 1 Crouch
- 1 Turn Right
- 1 Turn Left

- 3 animations in the wearable Mushroom

- 1 mushroom attachable to right hand (you turn ao off and the mushi will override all standard anims like walk, fly, etc, with its 3 animations, which auto cycle)

The LILITH AO  includes 23 animatons sorted as follows:

- 7 stands
- 1 walk
- 1 run
- 1 Fly
- 1 Fly Up
- 1 Fly Down
- 1 Hover
- 1 Jump
- 1 Pre-jumping
- 1 Land
- 1 Fall
- 1 Sit
- 2 Ground Sits
- 1 Crouch
- 1 Turn Right
- 1 Turn Left

All animations are copy / mod

thanks very much!