Mittwoch, 7. April 2010

Liberty Hunt until?

Hunt at Liberty
Ich hatte die Info, dass dieser Hunt bis zum 10. April geht, doch ein Geschäft hat sein Geschenk schon weg, daher bin ich mir nicht mehr sicher.
Findet bute Eier teilweise auch Schokoeier.
Schild vor jedem Laden der an der Hunt teilnimmt.

Glance: Skin
Posh: Haare
Slutcookie: Jacke

Glance open on the Liberty sim, and we're participating in an egg hunt that ends at midnight SL time tonite (23:59 on April 5th)

so hurry!

but the NC say:

Hello there!!

I just wanted to let you all know that Liberty is having an Easter egg hunt!! It will last from today (Easter Sunday) until the 10th. You guys have plenty of time to come and check it out.

A few of the designers including myself, felt that it was appropriate to give out some freebies and what better day to do that than Easter Sunday!?

I must warn you though, some are hidden and some are easy to find. MY EGGS are within my store, the other designers have theirs in their stores and also out in the open.

The participating stores are as followed: (stores will have a sign rezzed in front of their store if they are participating)
Relentless Couture
Morantique (be sure to check her sky boxes too!)

There are about 1-3 eggs per store, possibly more.

Please do not contact me asking where the eggs are for the other stores, as I do not know.

However if you have problems finding my eggs, feel free to contact me, I will say though, all of my eggs are INSIDE my store, as I mentioned in the beginning of the notecard.

Easter egg hunts are all about hiding eggs, so it's not supposed to be THAT easy for you, but it shouldn't be too hard either. If you have any problems, feel free to contact store owners!!

(Also it might be a little laggy due to the traffic, I'll be restarting the sim daily :] )

Happy Easter darlings!!

<3 Jeanie